31 March 2010
Public Service Announcement: win free clothes w/ HEARTBEAT
Superman is modeling a smexi reversible scarf by MyPetsQuare, a Sydney group. This is going to be on my neck all through winter, I can tell. It has lovely thick tassels to fiddle with if you're a fiddler.
I was given this at the monthly night HEARTBEAT that runs at the Transit Bar.
HEARTBEAT, if you haven't heard, is a new event where local cool dudes Party by Jake engage with street-fashion labels and feature their designs on a special night (it's free too!). This party has interstate DJs, party-photographers, good-looking party-goers (I checked), and other things that the young kids are into.
Not just scarfs but also shirts and hoodies, I believe. Next night is Saturday, April 10th (here's the FB event). But join the Party By Jake FB page to take part in their giveaways leading up to that date. The next label they're featuring is Eleventh Commandment. General tee+jeans structure (check the merch here) but I am a bit keen on their Yen shirt:
NOTE: Although the scarf was a freebie, PBJ did not ask Capital Style to feature their event. We genuinely feel that this is a kick-ass idea and a great night for all at Transit. Get amongst your local scene and support these guys for giving Canberra night-life an extra sex-injection.